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Boo Boo the karma kittycat June 2, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nelda @ 8:34 pm
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Boo Boo kittySeveral months after my son left home for college I felt such a sadness I’ve never experienced.

I sunk into a depressive funk for months reminiscing about my son’s life from birth through young adulthood.

I’d walk into his room and fall asleep crying in his bed aching from the emotional pains.

For nearly half a year I was thinking about getting a pet that would help occupy my time, my natural inclination to nuture.

Out of chaos came opportunity.

By chance a colleague was looking for a home for a kitty she had found while visiting her mom in Dallas.

It took one photo emailed by Kathryn for me to know it was karma.

That little kitty was meant to be with me because we came to each other in our time of need.

It was our destiny to be together.

I named her Boo Boo (Kitty) in part to pay homage to Laverne and Shirley’s kitty, but also because she repaired my boo-booed heart and I must admit, I love saying her name, Boo Boo Kitty.

Boo’s no longer a little kitty, but she’ll always be that tiny fur ball that used to sleep around my neck that first month after I brought her home.

She recently celebrated her 5th birthday!

Boo brings much joy to my life.

I appreciate her natural inclination to take pause, stretch, yawn and relax, but I don’t appreciate her stomping across my keyboard!

Oh well, that’s Boo for ya, always reminding me about what’s important.

That’s why I love her attitude. I love her life!